The next version of DC Checker has been released with a major enhancement to the graphical checker. Continue reading DC Checker Version 3
All posts by Kipper1258
Reliably Avoiding DC BBQs
I watch every race and see SOLers end up in totally avoidable BBQ situations. So how do you avoid them? Continue reading Reliably Avoiding DC BBQs
DC Checker, Editor, Grib Loader and more. Now with BBQ Rescue.
The next installment has arrived! A series of significant enhancements including a graphical DC checker. Continue reading DC Checker, Editor, Grib Loader and more. Now with BBQ Rescue.
Automatic Grib Downloader and DC Editor
Ever sat there waiting for the grib to arrive? Want the grib on your computer ready to use? I’ve written a Java utility that will monitor the SOL server and automatically download the grib file for you when it arrives. It’s been enhanced to include a DC editor and now has a graphical interface. Continue reading Automatic Grib Downloader and DC Editor
Bi-Linear and Linear Interpolators For Excel
Want to work out your performance loss for a tack / gybe or expected boat speed from TWS and TWA in Excel. Then you need to have a look at this. Continue reading Bi-Linear and Linear Interpolators For Excel